Scout Workshop: Engineers in the Making!
Scout Workshop: Engineers in the Making!
Scouts participating in this workshop will study real-life engineers, design custom blueprints, race a balloon-powered vehicle, and more!
We're open Thursday through Sunday! Come and visit from 10 AM - 4 PM!
Scouts participating in this workshop will study real-life engineers, design custom blueprints, race a balloon-powered vehicle, and more!
Calling all Homeschoolers: Join us for PTM’s Brick Club on Thursday, March 13th from 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM! Who can attend Brick Club? PTM’s Brick Club is designed for Homeschool students between the ages 6 – 14. Brick Club is for kids only! Parents, you can drop your child off at the Ray Betler Classroom a few minutes […]
Scouts will have the opportunity to discover the communications technology of the Trolley Era, including antique radios, typewriters, printing presses, victrolas, phonographs, and more! This is a workshop for a Eagle-Required Merit Badge.
Join us the third Thursday of each month for Trolley Tots! Trolley Tots is designed for early learners (children ages 2-5) and one accompanying adult to discover different types of transportation through sensory play, stories, crafts, music, and getting up-close with the vehicle of the month!
Explore the Pennsylvania Trolley Museum in a sensory modified setting with quieter streetcars, lowered exhibit sounds, and soft lighting. Advanced registration is not required for this event. Tickets will be available at our regular admission prices.