We're now open on Thursdays! Come and visit from 10 AM - 4 PM! Kids are Free in February!
Saturday, March 15
9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Cost: $45 per scout, $15 per chaperone
*This is a workshop for a Eagle-Required Merit Badge*
This merit badge workshop is open to any youth in 6th – 12th grade and is designed to help BSA scouts meet requirements for the Communications merit badge. It is strongly recommended that participants be in at least 9th grade before taking this workshop. This badge is also being provided in conjunction with Vintage Communications Weekend at the Pennsylvania Trolley Museum! Scouts will have the opportunity to discover the communications technology of the Trolley Era, including antique radios, typewriters, printing presses, victrolas, phonographs, and more!
Due to the nature of this badge, it is encouraged for Scouts to complete much of the workbook and requirements ahead of time. Scouts will be required to prepare several parts of this badge (detailed below) and bring completed work and materials to the workshop in order to present to the group.
We will be covering requirements 1c, 2a, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 9. To meet requirement 5, we will be virtually attending a public meeting during the workshop.
As part of the requirements, Scouts will need to prepare the following ahead of time:
Scouts are fully responsible for the following pre/post-requisites: 3 and 8.