We're open Thursday through Sunday! Come and visit from 10 AM - 4 PM!

Volunteer Information

This page is for Pennsylvania Trolley Museum Volunteers:

Please visit the links below for important information.


Volunteer Welcome Packet: Get to know our volunteer program!

Timekeeping – Volgistics

Sign-Up Sheet: Help with events and service projects

Volunteer Resources

Clearance instructions for all volunteers:


Volunteers in Pennsylvania and at PTM are required to have the following up-to-date clearances. All clearances are good for five years after they are dated. Minors should instead complete the Parent/Guardian Consent Form. Please email completed clearances to mmeer@patrolley.org.

Volunteers who have resided in PA continuously for the past 10 years:

  • Child Abuse History Clearance- Act 33 (free) Please note that the following link seems to be not working in Google web browsers. If you are viewing this page with Google, copy this link and past it in another type of browser (Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, etc.).
    • Go to https://www.compass.state.pa.us/CWIS
    • Select “Create Individual Account.” When asked for a Keystone ID, you need to create your own user name. If you already have one, select "Individual Login" on the first screen.
    • Complete all of the appropriate boxes and a temporary password will be sent to the email address that you have provided. Once you have the password, you re-enter the website and complete the request for the clearance.
    • If a clearance is not issued immediately, you can log into your account at a later time to see the status of the request.
    • To be safe, check the box requesting a written copy of your clearance in the event that you have trouble printing it. Print 2 copies of the clearance, one for your personal records and one for the Volunteer Coordinator.
  • PA State Police Criminal Record Check- Act 34 (free)
    • Go to https://epatch.pa.gov
    • Select “New Volunteer Record Check” and follow the prompts to complete the application
    • The security check is usually completed within a few minutes. Print 2 copies of the completed clearance form provided, one for your personal records and one for the Volunteer Coordinator.
  • Child Abuse History Disclosure Statement: provided by the Museum at the time of orientation

Out-of-state volunteers and those who live in PA but have NOT resided there continuously for the past 10 years:

  • PA's Child Abuse and Criminal History Clearances as detailed above
  • FBI Fingerprint-based Criminal Background Check
    • Register at identogo.com/locations/pennsylvania. Out-of-state volunteers will still be able to select a fingerprinting location closer to them with this link.
    • Select Digital Fingerprinting.
    • The Service Code that is requested is 1KG6ZJ .
    • The fee (approximately $23) can be paid using a credit or debit card. PTM may be able to partially or fully reimburse out-of-state and former out-of-state volunteers for this expense - please keep your receipt.
    • You may choose the most convenient site to go to be fingerprinted, the site list can be found at the above mentioned website.
    • A photo ID is required at the time of fingerprinting.

Out-of-state volunteers who intend to volunteer less than 30 days per year:

  •  Clearances from your state or county of residence that are equivalent to PA's Child Abuse and Criminal History Clearances. Please email mmeer@patrolley.org to confirm the validity of these clearances.
  • Child Abuse History Disclosure Statement: provided by the Museum at the time of orientation
A Collection of Nearly 50 Cars and Counting

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