Support PTM
Your support helps PTM bring Pennsylvania’s Trolley Era to life in exciting and relevant ways for generations young and young-at-heart. Here are just a few of the ways you can help!
Pennsylvania Trolley Museum is a 501(C)(3) Nonprofit registered in the US under EIN: 25-6060314.

Make A Donation
Admissions only cover a portion of the Museum’s operating costs. Your donation – of any amount – will help to further the Museum’s mission of creating a living history experience that educates visitors about life during the Trolley Era.
Become A Member
Becoming a member of the Pennsylvania Trolley Museum is an excellent way to support the mission of the Museum and to save money on the cost of visits to the Museum and the purchase of merchandise at the Museum store.

Volunteer Your Time And Skills
The Pennsylvania Trolley Museum is a nonprofit educational organization that depends largely on volunteers for its continued operation and success. Our volunteers serve in a wide range of roles from assisting in special events, restoring historic streetcars, keeping our grounds neat and safe, and more!
Planned Giving
Planned giving can be a powerful element of wealth management strategy or the estate planning process and can be arranged to benefit the Pennsylvania Trolley Museum while providing a life income source for spouses and other family members. Planned gifts are a popular method of giving because they can provide powerful tax benefits and sources of income.

Corporate Opportunities
In addition to the sponsorship and naming opportunities provided by PTM’s Capital Campaign, the Museum also offers several levels of Corporate Sponsorships. Each level includes benefits such as free admission, store discounts, and the opportunity to host an event at PTM.
Click here for more information and learn how you can become a corporate sponsor!
Click here to learn more about our generous partners of the 2024 Gala.