Scouts BSA
All merit badge workshops are $25 per scout and $15 per chaperone unless otherwise noted. Merit badge workshops include general admission to the museum. Please note that no physical merit badges or patches will be handed out. BSA Scouts are responsible for bringing their own Blue Cards. While we encourage Scout Leaders to attend along with multiple Scouts from the same troop or pack, adult chaperones are not required to attend these workshops.
As a reminder, curriculum follows the Scouting America (formerly Boy Scouts of America) badge requirements, but all youth of the appropriate age are welcome to attend.
Cub Scouts
Cub Scouts include the rank of Lion Cub, Tiger, Wolf, Bear, and Webelos (students in grades K - 5th).
Engineers In The Making!
Saturday, March 8th
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Cost: $25 per scout, $15 per chaperone
This merit badge workshop is open to any youth in 1st – 5th grade. We will be meeting all requirements for the following badges:
- Boy Scout Webelos Engineering
- Girl Scout Brownie Mechanical Engineering: Race Car Design Challenge
- Girl Scout Junior Mechanical Engineering: Balloon Car Design Challenge
Scouts participating in this workshop will study real-life engineers, design custom blueprints, use the Engineer Design Process, then investigate potential and kinetic energy to build, test, and race a balloon-powered vehicle and racetrack!
Scouts BSA
Scouts BSA include all BSA Scout ranks in grades 6th - 12th.
A note about pre/post-requirements: In the event that a requirement that is not being covered in the workshop is not completed by the Scout before the start of the workshop, Scouts will receive a partial for attending the workshop. These Scouts can reach out to the Merit Badge Counselor with their completed work to complete the badge. Any post-reqs can be emailed to or mailed to the museum. Additional information about this will be covered in all merit badge workshops.
BSA Communication (Eagle Scout Required!)
Saturday, March 15th
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Cost: $45 per scout, $15 per chaperone
This merit badge workshop is open to any youth in 6th – 12th grade and is designed to help BSA scouts meet requirements for the Communications merit badge. It is strongly recommended that participants be in at least 9th grade before taking this workshop. This badge is also being provided in conjunction with Vintage Communications Weekend at the Pennsylvania Trolley Museum! Scouts will have the opportunity to discover the communications technology of the Trolley Era, including antique radios, typewriters, printing presses, victrolas, phonographs, and more!
Due to the nature of this badge, it is encouraged for Scouts to complete much of the workbook and requirements ahead of time. Scouts will be required to prepare several parts of this badge (detailed below) and bring completed work and materials to the workshop in order to present to the group.
We will be covering requirements 1c, 2a, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 9. To meet requirement 5, we will be virtually attending a public meeting during the workshop.
As part of the requirements, Scouts will need to prepare the following ahead of time:
- 1c: Be prepared to share a short Scouting story (example: the best camping trip ever!) in a small group setting.
- 2a: Think of a creative way to describe yourself using a collage, short story, autobiography, drawing or series of photographs, a song, and/or a short skit. Prepare this at home and be prepared to use the aid you created to make a short presentation (no more than 2 minutes) about yourself.
- 4: This requirement involves interviewing someone you know fairly well, like, or respect. Conduct the interview before the workshop, then come prepared to deliver an introduction of the person as though this person were to be a guest speaker. Include reasons why the audience would want to hear this person speak.
- 6: Develop a plan to teach a skill or inform someone about something. Prepare teaching aids ahead of time and bring them with you to the workshop and be prepared to share with the group.
Scouts are fully responsible for the following pre/post-requisites: 3 and 8.
- Requirement 3 asks that Scouts to write a five-minute speech and give it at a meeting.
- Requirement 8 has Scouts plan a troop or crew court of honor, campfire program, or interfaith worship service. This must be approved by patrol leaders' council. Scouts must write a script, prepare the program, and serve as master of ceremonies. Please bring in photos, videos, and/or documentation from Scout leaders, etc. to show completion of these two requirements.
BSA Environmental Science (Eagle Scout Required!)
Saturday, May 3rd
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Cost: $25 per scout, $15 per chaperone
NEW 2025 REQUIREMENTS! This merit badge workshop is open to any youth in grades 6th - 12th grade and is designed to help BSA Scouts meet requirements for the Environmental Science merit badge, an Eagle Required badge. We will be covering requirements 1, 2b, 3c, 4b, 5b, 7b, 8a, 9, and 11. Conduct experiments about pollution, investigate clean energy sources, dive into the water cycle, and discover how to help eradicate invasive species in our area!
Scouts are responsible for the following pre/post-requisites: 6, 10. If participants do not complete these requirements ahead of time, Scouts must follow up with the counselors after the workshop to complete the requirements and received a completed blue card.
- Requirement 6 involves researching rare, threatened, or endangered species and preparing a 100-word report. Alternatively, Scouts can choose to visit a site that has been designed to improve the habitat for threatened or endangered species and prepare a report on what they saw.
- For requirement 10, Scouts must choose a construction project (such as a new house or new building at their Scout camp), identify all environmental impact topics that would need to be addressed for this project, evaluate the purpose and benefits of the project, alternative to the project (including a no-action alternative), and any environmental consequences of this project. Summarize these findings in a short report and be prepared to present them to the counselor.
BSA Environmental Science Requirements
This badge was recently updated. A newly updated workbook is currently in the works.
BSA Geology (New!)
Saturday, May 3rd
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Cost: $25 per Scout, $15 per Chaperone
This merit badge workshop is open to any youth in 6th – 12th grade and is designed to help BSA Scouts meet requirements for the Geology merit badge. We will be covering ALL requirements for this merit badge! While there are no pre-requisites, we strongly encourage participating Scouts to review the Geology Merit Badge Requirements and workbook prior to the workshop. Investigate different rocks and minerals and discover how our museum got its start in part thanks to a coal mine!
We will be covering requirements 1, 2, 3, 4b, 5c1, 5c2, 5c3b, 5c4, and 5c5b.
BSA Mail-In Merit Badge Programs
PTM is happy to offer the services of our merit badge counselors to local BSA scouts! Any BSA scout who has completed all the requirements for the following badges can mail in their completed work and a blue card filled out with their information and we will be happy to sign off on the completed requirements.
Do you have an interest in completing an Eagle Scout Project at the Pennsylvania Trolley Museum? Please email us at!
Interested in being a volunteer counselor or helping out with the Scouting programs at the Pennsylvania Trolley Museum? Does your troop or pack want to volunteer with us? Please contact the Volunteer Coordinator at!
Scouting Volunteer Opportunities
Do you have an interest in completing an Eagle Scout Project at the Pennsylvania Trolley Museum? Please email us at!
Want to hear about other ways you and your troop could volunteer with us?
- Interested in being a volunteer counselor or helping out with the Scouting programs at the Pennsylvania Trolley Museum?
- Would you like to give tours to Scouts?
- Is your troop or pack looking for ways to give back to the community?
- Would your troop or pack like to volunteer to help out during a Special Event?
- Are you looking for a community service project?
We're happy to help coordinate an exciting, helpful, and fun project or outing for your troop. Please contact our Volunteer Coordinator for more information and/or to share your ideas by reaching out to!
Private Merit Badge Workshops
Are you or your Scout troop interested in one of these merit badges but the date and time don’t work for you? We also offer Private Scout merit badge workshops! Availability is limited - click the button below for more information.