*Commercial productions intended for broadcast will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
Photography Policy
Pennsylvania Trolley Museum encourages photography and the use of video cameras for personal use!

Professional Photography
Museum Policy
Sale, rental, or other commercial use (other than for editorial use) is prohibited without prior written authorization, including signing a single-use license agreement, and payment of fee. Commercial photography includes, but is not limited to, wedding photography, professional portraits, modeling, media, and images for resale in any form. To schedule wedding and portrait photographs please contact our Manager of Visitor Experience at visitorservices@patrolley.org. Reservations are required at least one week in advance.
Private Photo Sessions
Looking to create a unique photo for your next portrait session? Choose from any of our operational streetcars for stunning interior and exterior photo shots. Favorite trolley backdrops are the beautiful Streetcar Named Desire, the beautifully refurbished Rio de Janeiro Open Car, and the meticulously restored 1917 Pittsburgh Car 4398, among many others. Your streetcar photo session will be hosted by a uniformed streetcar operator from the Pennsylvania Trolley Museum. For Private Photography Session reservations and pricing details, please fill out this form. Before booking, please review our Photography Policy.

Media Release Policy
Museum personnel often take photos, videos, and other recordings while visitors are at the Museum. These photos/recordings are taken during regular visitation days, special events, group visits, and other occasions.
By visiting the Museum, visitors grant permission for the Museum to use said photographs and recordings for social media, other marketing, and documentary purposes. When using the photos/recordings, the Museum will not include any names or personal information of the persons in the image, unless otherwise agreed upon.
Additional permissions are requested for groups with children, such as Field Trips and Summer Camps.