We're now open on Thursdays! Come and visit from 10 AM - 4 PM!
10/10/2023 – 7 PM ET – Presented by Allison C. Meier
Transportation and the cemetery have been linked for centuries, from 19th-century ferries carrying the dead in New York City to early 20th-century funerary street cars in Mexico City. Every city had to find a way to move its departed citizens to their final stop, such as Pittsburgh’s Citizens Passenger Railway Horsecar, which in 1859 established a route between Fifth Avenue and a cemetery. This online talk led by Allison Meier, the author of Grave (Bloomsbury, 2023) and a cemetery tour guide, will chronicle these surprising connections between the dead and transit both in the United States and around the world, including a look at some historic curios like the London Necropolis Railway and presidential funeral trains.
This program will be recorded and available at a later date on the PTM YouTube channel.
Trolleyology presentations will continue on a regular or semi-regular basis. Interested in presenting? Email assistant@patrolley.org! We’re specifically looking for programs related to the Trolley Era in general, Pennsylvania transit history, or stories about our collection. Please join our e-mail list to stay up-to-date with program announcements and other PTM news!
*For the best experience, we recommend downloading Zoom in advance.
NOTE: This is a virtual event